11.11. Today my people are celebrating San Martino, the Saint Patron and Protector of my Home-town Piove di Sacco, in big numbers. I remember painting by brush with food colourings, hundreds of Sant Martinos on the white glazed biscuits my father baked this time, every year. E ‘La Spada’ -the sword- of Saint Martino is another Dolce, Ernesto dedicated to Piove di Sacco and I know a lot of people will be eating it, now. Modernisation of Tradition. 11.11. Today is also Armistice day, otherwise known as Remembrance day. Civilians observe a two-minute silence at 11am every 11 November, to remember those who lost their lives during the First World War as well as in more recent and happening right now conflicts and abuses in need of resolutions. 11.11. is the day David Kirby, an authentic dear friend and Chiropodist asked me to dress the window of his practice in the soft town of Alcester and a mutual visual dialogue opened around the legacy of remembrance, the powerfully sophisticated and specialised machinery behind the industry and profits of warfare & warlords and money and deals, honour and blood together with the more ontological questions about human sufferance, resilience, survival, rights won and honoured, progress, life, death and growth -a reflection on the innate destructive element of evolution and transformation.
On display a pair of 1st World War Army boots a 2 World War field first aid foot and leg splint a foot orderlies hand book issued by the Royal Medical Army Corps, a death plaque letter from Lord Kitchener, a lead soldier shot and caught in a barbed wire fence juxtaposed next to my sculpture 🔺”A River of Blood”🔻 and the Angel of Mercy ♠